It's that time of year--time for some SPRING CLEANING!!! Temperatures are warming up and we see some road trips in your future. Oh yes, road trips are in the planning process, hotels are booked--let the countdown begin!
Spring cleaning is not only for your home but also for your vehicle. Time to clean out, clean up, and show your car how much you care. Today we are going to tackle a couple of areas of the vehicle that we call the "problem" areas. These areas tend to be neglected the most and store a lot of junk.
The trunk is also known as the junk drawer of the car. Our trunk ends up being a catch-all for anything and everything. Think about it right now, what's the oddest item living in your trunk? Most likely that item has nothing to do with your car. Clean-out unnecessary items in your trunk. Make sure your trunk emergency kit is stocked with all the essentials: jumper cables, flashlight, batteries, water, first aid kit, and emergency contact info.
Next, move on to cleaning out the car console. The console is another area that s a magnet for odds and ends-loose coins, papers, cups, business cards, gum. Clean out all those unnecessary items. Give the cup holders a good wipe down.
Spring cleaning is a great time to organize that glove compartment. This will take all of 5 minutes. Organize all important documents, and get rid of paperwork that is not needed.
Moving from the inside of the car to the outside, it is time to check and possibly replace the windshield wipers. Safety first!
Lastly, time for a car wash. Deep clean the inside and outside of your vehicle.
Spring car cleaning is complete ✅