Posted on 2/19/2024

"Love Your Ride: Schedule Your Car's Checkup Now!" Hey Car Lovers! As February unfolds, remember to extend some love to your trusty ride. Neglect = Costly Breakups Neglecting maintenance might seem harmless, but it could lead to costly repairs down the road. Skipping oil changes and ignoring warning signs can snowball into hefty repair bills, turning a loving relationship with your car into an expensive heartbreak. Scheduled Service = Love Language Scheduled maintenance is your car's love language. Regular check-ups, oil changes, and inspections show your commitment to a healthy relationship, ensuring peak performance and longevity. Not only does it keep your ride running smoothly, but it also prevents major issues from surfacing. Wallet-Friendly Care Staying on top of maintenance is a wallet-friendly move. A well-maintained car is more fuel-efficient and less likely to encounter major problems, sav ... read more
Posted on 1/19/2024

Title: "Rolling into 2024: Car Resolutions for a Smooth Ride" As we roll into the journey of 2024, it's a perfect time to focus on the well-being of our vehicles. Car resolutions aren't just for personal improvement; they can extend to our cars as well. Let's explore some realistic resolutions to keep our cars running smoothly and reliably throughout the year. Resolution 1: Regular Checkups for Peak Performance Just as we prioritize health checkups for ourselves, our cars need routine maintenance too. Schedule regular checkups to ensure your vehicle is in peak condition. From oil changes to brake inspections, these proactive measures can prevent costly repairs and promote a longer, healthier life for your car. Resolution 2: Tire TLC Tires play a crucial role in every journey, providing traction and safety. Make it a resolution to check tire pressure regularly and rotate them as recommended. Proper tire maintenance not only improves fuel efficiency but also ... read more
Posted on 12/19/2023

Hope you're all navigating the holiday chaos like pros! 🎅 Before we dive headfirst into the festivities, we wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude for being a part of the Foreign Auothaus family. Thanks for trusting us with your vehicle. Now, here's a helpful car tip to ensure your car stays safe during the holiday season: December Car Tip: Tire TLC According to AAA-113 million Americans plan on traveling 50+ miles over the holidays. Are you one of the 113 million? When was the last time you checked your tires? Your tires are the unsung heroes of the road trip – they deserve a little TLC. Take a minute to check the tire pressure. And don't forget to give the tread some love – good traction is your weapon against unpredictable winter roads. If your tires need some attention, swing by the shop. Our crew of European-savvy techs is ready to ensure your tires are up for the challenge. As we wrap up the year, we're here to make sure your holiday d ... read more
Posted on 1/17/2023

5, 4, 3, 2, 1: HAPPY NEW YEAR! Can you believe it? It is 2023. The beginning of a new year is full of goal-setting and resolutions. It is time to make a 2023 automotive goal. Creating new habits can be difficult; luckily, we have tips and tools to help you. Avoiding or putting off preventative maintenance will decrease the life expectancy of your vehicle. Not only will it reduce the lifespan of your car, but it will also create a reactive mentality. Setting an automotive goal will shift the car care mindset to proactive vs. reactive. Please do not wait to care for your car till it is a problem. Making a habit part of your lifestyle starts with consistency. Choose one day out of the month to work on your automotive goal. For example, make the first Sunday of the month "Car Care." Below is a list of items to check when working on this goal: -Check windshield wipers -Check headlights -Check the condition of your tires and air pressure -Clean-out middle consol ... read more
Posted on 12/12/2022

12 Days of Christmas Foreign Autohaus Edition We thought it would be fun to have a Foreign Autohaus 12 days of Christmas blog and focus on 12 tips to care for your car during winter. Throw on your Santa hat, and let's get to it. On the first day of Christmas, Foreign Autohaus said to me: Replace your windshield wipers. On the second day of Christmas, Foreign Autohaus said to me: Rotate your tires. On the third day of Christmas, Foreign Autohaus told me: Keep up on preventive maintenance. On the fourth day of Christmas, Foreign Autohaus said to me: Be prepared with an Emergency Car Kit. On the fifth day of Christmas, Foreign Autohaus told me: Ensure front and rear defrosters are working. On the sixth day of Christmas, Foreign Autohaus said to me: Check headlights and rear lights. On the seventh day of Christmas, Foreign Autohaus told me: Stop and check the spare tire. Make sure your spare tire is not deflated. On the eighth day of Christmas, F ... read more
Posted on 11/28/2022

November is the month of Thanks and Gratitude. Here at Foreign Autohaus, we are grateful for our loyal customers. We took a poll on Social Media and asked our followers and customers, "Give us three reasons you are grateful for your car." We were not shocked by the responses. The repeated answer from all of our followers was convenience. We can all agree that when your car breaks down, it is the biggest disrupter in your life. An inconvenience is putting it lightly. We strive to make our customers' auto repair experience as convenient as possible. Convenience at Foreign Autohaus starts with the ease of scheduling your appointment. Did you know there are two ways to prepare for your next service? You can call us or go online; both are fast and efficient. Making life even more convenient, we have a comfortable waiting area with wifi, coffee, and water. This way, you can work while your car is being serviced. We've got you covered if you need a ride t ... read more
Posted on 6/20/2022

Temps are rising and this can mean one thing...SUMMER is officially here! There is nothing worse than being uncomfortable in your car during the summer months. We have created a list of 10 Must-Have items everyone needs in their car during the summer. Trust us, you definitely want to check out this list! 1. Sunglasses!!! Essential for driving when that sun hits right under your visor, no squinting here. Have an extra pair in your glove compartment to be on the safe side. 2. Water and Snack kit: Keep an insulated cooler in the trunk with water and snacks. Hangry passengers are not the best company! 3. Bug Spray: You never need bug spray until you really need bug spray! A product that is often forgotten since it is not used in our daily lives. Bye-Bye mosquitos! 4. Phone charger: Arguably the number one item on this list no one can live without! 5. First Aid Kit: Safety first. Check First Aid Kit before heading on your summer road ... read more
Posted on 2/15/2022

Super Bowl LVI was held last weekend and whether you are a fan of football or a fan of 90's rap, the Super Bowl did not disappoint. The Super Bowl ranks among the world's MOST watched sporting events. This fact is not shocking at all, the Super Bowl provides entertainment for all. The burning question is, why do you watch the Super Bowl? Is it for the love of the game? Commercials? Half-time show? Or are you here for the snacks? A recent poll found that 52% of Americans watch the Super Bowl for the Advertisements/Commercials. Let's take a look at the Best Car Commercials from Super Bowl LVI. 1. Polestar "No Compromises" Some would say this commercial was a little "shady." Their running theme: NO punchlines, NO hidden agendas, NO compromises, NO conquering Mars. Hmmm, I do believe that was some shade thrown at Mr. Elon Musk. Polesatars message was simple and clear. 2. GM-Dr. EV-il EVerybodyin Dr ... read more
Posted on 12/17/2021

Best Christmas Gifts for the Car Lover in Your Life Not sure what to get the car enthusiast in your life? Shopping for an automotive fan can be hard. Here is a list of our top gift ideas that will impress the car lover in your life. Artwork: A true car enthusiast can not get enough of their car. When they are not driving, the next best thing is to admire their car on the wall. A canvas, custom print, or engraved blueprint piece of art makes a great gift. Custom floor mats: There are several companies out there that can customize the floor mats and add the drivers personal style to the finished product. Compact Portable vacuum: Car enthusiasts are meticulous when it comes down to the cleanliness of their car. A portable vacuum cleaner will keep the car in tip-top shape for the open road. Gift Certificate to the Local Car Wash: A gift Certificate is always a good idea! Wireless Car Charger ... read more
Posted on 6/1/2020

As you know, the summertime sizzle in Folsom and the Sacramento area is real. That is why we want to share our advice on how to keep your cool in sizzling summer weather. At Foreign Autohaus, we service the Air Conditioning systems on a lot of European automobiles. Each automotive brand has its own set of A/C system nuances that our automotive technicians must be intimately familiar with. Therefore, our auto repair team trains and studies everything from potential refrigerant leak causes to why certain components within the air conditioning system are not operating like they should (fans, compressors, dash controls, etc.). Our recommendation for you is to make certain your car’s A/C system is in tip-top shape for Summer. If you have set the temperature to cool and the air is blowing hot, we invite you to schedule an appointment with the Foreign Autohaus team to visually inspect your climate control system. If we find the refrigerant needs a recharge or if anything is out of ord ... read more